Giovanni Battista Nusca, functional medicine nutritionist

Friday 13 January

1.00 pm


Chronic diseases have reached pandemic proportions over the past four decades. It is estimated that globally nearly forty-one million people die yearly from complications related to chronic diseases. These are largely preventable lifestyle-related maladies, which makes this arguably the greatest tragedy of our time.

Functional medicine is an evidence-based tool conceived by medical doctors as the solution to conventional medicine’s inability to treat and prevent chronic diseases successfully. It is patient-centred and focuses on the root cause of diseases. It relies heavily on the latest research to determine the aetiology of disease manifestation and considers factors such as lifestyle, medical history, medications, genetics, anthropometrics and blood work to determine the best treatment.

This lecture will discuss the role nutrition therapy plays in the natural healing process.

Recommended reading

Noland, D., Drisko, J.A. and Wagner, L. 2020. Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition therapy: Principles and practices. New York: Springer International Publishing.

Mahan, L.K. and Raymond, J.L. 2017. Krause’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Gropper, S.S., Smith, J.L. and Carr, T.P. 2022. Advanced nutrition and human metabolism. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Beidelschies, M. et al. 2019. Association of the functional medicine model of care with patient-reported health-related quality-of-life outcomes. JAMA Network Open, 2(10).