Debbie Field, artist, teacher
Monday 29 January–Friday 2 February 9.30 am–12:30 pm COURSE FEES R3 080; Staff and students R1 500
VENUE Classroom 3A, Centlivres Building, University Avenue, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town
Maximum number of participants 20
In this in person five-day course we will learn many ways to work with a personal visual ‘diary’. Beyond creating a sketchbook or a diary, we will create a personal visual reference book – a place to explore, express and keep all your thoughts, ideas, and insights. We will use a large variety of open-ended techniques, words, images, and simple materials. Fleeting or persistent inner inspirations or ideas are captured on these pages, creating a vibrant resource for participants to use later in other work, or just to have as a place to enliven meaningful memories. We will also look at the way in which famous artists have used this type of journal as part of their creative lives.
No experience is needed. This is a course for everyone. We all have something worth remembering and honouring. This is a chance to learn how to do that.

Born in Witbank, Debbie Field currently resides and teaches from her studio in Cape Town. She graduated in 1984 from the University of Witwatersrand with a Teaching Degree, majoring in Art. She has run practical art workshops for UCT Summer School - 2019, 2020, 2021,2022 and 2023.
Aside from painting, teaching and facilitating workshops countrywide Debbie has been involved in several creative projects. She currently paints and teaches from her studio in Plumstead, and has work on show in various galleries.