Professor June Bam-Hutchison, University of Johannesburg; Dr Yaliwe Clarke, feminist consultant

Tuesday 28 January 3.00 pm COURSE FEES R110; Staff and students R55

In her recently published book, Ausi Told Me, June Bam-Hutchison explores the extraordinary links between an indigenous culture around plants, rituals and healing, and its continued existence in a hybridised form in the here and now among communities living on the Cape Flats. This link is carried through the Ausi the carriers of intergenerational knowledge about plants and healing. She dispels two powerful myths: that of an ’extinct’ indigenous culture, and that the San and Khoi were a ‘pure blood’ group that were not ‘culturally hybridised’. She will be in conversation with Yaliwe Clarke.


Recommended reading

Bam, J. 2021. Ausi Told Me: Why Cape Herstoriographies Matter. South Africa: Jacana Media.