Coordinated by Dr Gareth Davies, Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, University of Cape Town

Monday 22–Wednesday 24 January 1.00 pm COURSE FEES R330; Staff and students R165

It is hard to believe that in a world where surgery and pain management are fundamental parts of healthcare, modern anaesthesia as a medical field has only developed in the past two hundred years, with photographic records available of the first pioneers and practitioners. This first set of three lectures (part one of a two-part lecture series) examines aspects of anaesthesia that exist outside of the operating room, namely: the intensive care unit, the pain clinic and the university lecture hall. Each of these areas forms part of an anaesthesia service that is critical in prolonging life, treating pain and educating the next generation of healthcare providers. In the post-Covid era, where immunotherapy, pharmacogenetics and artificial intelligence are some of the new frontiers, South African healthcare providers and educators are ensuring that Africa remains a crucial part of the global discourse.


Lecture titles

  1. Fighting Covid on the frontline: an intensivist and bioethicist’s reflection  Dr Ryan Davids
  2. Chronic pain: when the ache is not fleeting  Dr Janieke van Nugteren
  3. Education and assessment in anaesthesia: how we trust in rural and remote workplaces  Dr Gareth Davies

Participants can earn CPD points for this course.