Sally Cranswick, author

Monday 9–Friday 13 January < 10.00 am–12.00 pm < COURSE FEES R1 500

Maximum number of participants 20

Let’s make 2023 the year you give yourself permission to create that memoir, novel, play, short story collection or diary that you’ve been promising to write ‘one day’. During this series of five daily sessions, we will look at writers and creative people we love, and discuss ways to unblock ourselves and get our writing dreams onto the page. The aim is to have creative fun together and write a lot whilst finding a way forward with our writing dreams.

Session titles

1 Permission to write. You are a writer and it’s time to write: We will explore creative ideas and write to prompts.

2. What do you dream of writing and what stops you from starting: We will work through a series of un­blocking techniques and work on how to quieten the inner critic.

3. Taking the first step and planning your project: We will use writing prompts to connect with your writer’s voice and discuss how to research, inspire, interview, and open a wider creative circle around your project.

4. Discipline is a ten-letter word: Tips and tricks on how to keep going through the messy middle and all the way to… the end.

5. Igniting the muse: We will write about people we love and discuss how to find (and keep) your muse ignited, plus an invitation to share your work ‘out loud’.

Recommended reading

Smith, P. 2010. Just Kids. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Lamott, A. 2020. Bird by Bird. Edinburgh: Canongate Publishing.

McConaughey, M. 2021. Greenlights. London: Hachette United Kingdom.

Bennet, A. 2007. Talking Heads. London: BBC Books.

This course will be delivered via Zoom. The link will be provided upon registration.