Nadja Daehnke, Nobukho Nqaba, Irma Stern Museum
Saturday 3 February 10.00 am–13.00 pm COURSE FEE R450
Maximum number of participants 20
The Irma Stern Museum is a place for creativity: the creativity of the Irma Stern, of the artists and crafters represented through the pieces Stern collected, the creativity of invited artists, students, learners, and even the creativity of nature in the beautiful secret garden.
Be inspired by what you see in the museum and by the art of Irma Stern. We invite you to join us for a fun, social and non-judgemental art workshop. The workshop is suitable for all ages and no prior art experience is needed. The emphasis is on exploring your own creativity rather than on learning specific art techniques.
The course fee includes art materials, tea, coffee or juice, a muffin and fruit.
Recommended reading
Smuts, H. 2007. At Home with Irma Stern. Cape Town: UCT Irma Stern Museum and Trustees of the Irma Stern Trust.
Daehnke, N. 2023. Welcome to the Irma Stern Museum: Introduction. Cape Town: UCT Irma Stern Museum.