Professor Sebastian van As, paediatric surgeon
Tuesday 16–Friday 19 January 11.15 am COURSE FEES R440; Staff and students R220
Solid texts on child abuse are very rare. Most reports deal with only a few cases, and properly performed systematic reviews are few. During my work as Head of the Trauma Unit at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital for over twenty years, I have published in the medical literature. Over the years I have been contacted on numerous occasions by either lay or professional people who wanted to know more about child abuse and/or help in some way or another. This course is meant for them. To deal with an issue, the understanding of it is of crucial importance. Although no-one can thoroughly understand all aspects and comprehend all details, this course is an attempt to provide an overview, and hopefully will contribute to a better understanding of child abuse to assist in reducing it in the future.
Lecture titles
- Introduction and history
- Passive types of child abuse (Acts of omission)
- Active types of child abuse (Acts of commission)
- Societal response to child abuse
Recommended reading
Van As, S. and Naidoo, S. 2007. Paediatric Trauma and Child Abuse. South Africa: Oxford University Press SA. Van As, A.B. Physical and sexual violence against children: CME. South African Medical Journal. 2016 Nov
Van As, S. and Ramanjam, V. Children, violence, and the media: opinion. South African Journal of Child Health.
2008. Mar 1;2(1):14.
Participants can earn Ethics CPD points for this course.