Professor Sebastian van As, paediatric surgeon

Tuesday 16–Friday 19 January 11.15 am COURSE FEES R440; Staff and students R220

Solid texts on child abuse are very rare. Most reports deal with only a few cases, and properly performed systematic reviews are few. During my work as Head of the Trauma Unit at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital for over twenty years, I have published in the medical literature. Over the years I have been contacted on numerous occasions by either lay or professional people who wanted to know more about child abuse and/or help in some way or another. This course is meant for them. To deal with an issue, the understanding of it is of crucial importance. Although no-one can thoroughly understand all aspects and comprehend all details, this course is an attempt to provide an overview, and hopefully will contribute to a better understanding of child abuse to assist in reducing it in the future.

Lecture titles

  1. Introduction and history
  2. Passive types of child abuse (Acts of omission)
  3. Active types of child abuse (Acts of commission)
  4. Societal response to child abuse

Recommended reading

Van As, S. and Naidoo, S. 2007. Paediatric Trauma and Child Abuse. South Africa: Oxford University Press SA. Van As, A.B. Physical and sexual violence against children: CME. South African Medical Journal. 2016 Nov


Van As, S. and Ramanjam, V. Children, violence, and the media: opinion. South African Journal of Child Health.

2008. Mar 1;2(1):14.


Participants can earn Ethics CPD points for this course.