Zapiro, editorial cartoonist

Monday 22 January 7.00 pm COURSE FEES R110; Staff and students R55

Waking up, hearing the news, and exploding with moral outrage may not be everyone’s idea of a good day but it’s a good day for a cartoonist – cartoonists are driven by moral outrage. In this talk, Zapiro opens his satirical toolbox containing irony, pathos, shock, humour and, above all, surprise. He gives some insight into how he takes the viewer’s eye for a walk that ends with the unexpected. And how sometimes the way a cartoon is received is another surprise – even to the cartoonist – and becomes a story in itself.

Recommended reading

Zapiro. 2009. The Mandela Files. Cape Town: Double Storey Books. Zapiro with Mike Wills. 2014. Democrazy. Cape Town: Jacana Media.

Zapiro with Mike Wills. 2018. WTF—Capturing Zuma—A Cartoonist’s Tale. Cape Town: Jacana Media.