Professor Mike Bruton, ichthyologist, museum and science centre development consultant

Wednesday 17 January 1.00 pm COURSE FEES R110; Staff and students R55

Fishes can crawl, climb, fly, burrow and even swim. They are the most diverse backboned animals and inhabit every aquatic habitat and niche. Their variety of form and function is unrivalled among the vertebrates and they have anticipated, through natural selection, many of the inventions made by humans. Their feeding habits range from the mundane to the bizarre and their breeding strategies involve some of the strangest habits of any animal. Expect to be shocked and surprised at the evolutionary tricks that fish, both living and extinct, have got up to.


Recommended reading

Bruton, M.N. (ed.). 1990. Alternative life-history styles of fishes. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Bruton, M.N. 2015. When I was a Fish. Tales of an Ichthyologist. Cape Town: Jacana.

Bruton, M.N., Merron, G.S. and Skelton, P.H. 2018. Fishes of the Okavango Delta and Chobe River, Botswana.

Cape Town: Struik Nature.

Bruton, M.N. 2021. Which is South Africa’s Strangest Animal? Chapters 12 and 13 in: Curious Notions.

Reflections of an Imagineer. Cape Town: Footprint Press.