Professor June Bam-Hutchison, University of Johannesburg; Dr Yaliwe Clarke, feminist consultant
Tuesday 28 January 3.00 pm COURSE FEES R110; Staff and students R55
In her recently published book, Ausi Told Me, June Bam-Hutchison explores the extraordinary links between an indigenous culture around plants, rituals and healing, and its continued existence in a hybridised form in the here and now among communities living on the Cape Flats. This link is carried through the Ausi – the carriers of intergenerational knowledge about plants and healing. She dispels two powerful myths: that of an ’extinct’ indigenous culture, and that the San and Khoi were a ‘pure blood’ group that were not ‘culturally hybridised’. She will be in conversation with Yaliwe Clarke.
Recommended reading
Bam, J. 2021. Ausi Told Me: Why Cape Herstoriographies Matter. South Africa: Jacana Media.