Hong Kong Performing Arts Tour

The Centre for Extra-Mural Studies, in collaboration with the Wubuntu organisation, is offering a performing arts tour to Hong Kong from 13 October to 20 October.
The programme includes performances of modern dance, opera, ballet, comedy and orchestra. Participants will experience the magic of global performing arts at the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Hong Kong Performing Arts Expo. The Hong Kong performing arts tour, following the successful EMS/Wubuntu visual arts tour, offers the vibrancy of another celebration of cultural exchange. Participants will have an opportunity to immerse themselves in a world of captivating performances, innovative showcases and dynamic collaborations in Hong Kong.
For the draft itinerary please see:
Booking is through Webtickets - UCT Hong Kong Performing Arts Tour Oct 2024 (webtickets.co.za)
Maximum: 20 participants
Bookings close on Wednesday 10 July.
For further information and to reserve a place, please contact Bronwyn Geldenhuys at: Bronwyn.geldenhuys@uct.ac.za.