A guided tour of d-School: afrika’s state-of-the-art building

A guided tour of d-School: afrika’s state-of-the-art building
Ettienne Mostert, business and partnership development manager; Wanda Majikijela, facilities and building manager
Date: Wednesday 19 June
Time: 10:00–11:00
FREE but booking essential: RSVP to ems@uct.ac.za
Maximum: 25 participants
Meeting point: In the quad in front of the Centre for Extra-Mural Studies office fifteen minutes before the tour
Join us for an enlightening one-hour tour of the Hasso Plattner School of Design Thinking (d-school Afrika) at the University of Cape Town. Immerse yourself in the world of design thinking and witness how it comes to life in our state-of-the-art building. Our innovative building serves as a dynamic hub for co-creation and collaboration, bringing together students and staff from diverse disciplines to explore new frontiers of innovation in the African context. Discover the unique teaching and learning spaces that empower students to create their own classrooms, promoting flexibility and interactivity. Moreover, explore the sustainability innovations that have led to its prestigious six-star green building accreditation, making it a trailblazer in environmentally conscious design.