Write a family story that people will want to read

28 Mar 2024
Sally Cranswick is a writer, editor, ghost writer, story coach and workshop facilitator with a special interest in life writing and memoir

Sally Cranswick is a writer, editor, ghost writer, story coach and workshop facilitator with a special interest in life writing and memoir.

28 Mar 2024

Write a family story that people will want to read

Sally Cranswick

Dates: 30 July–27 August (Tuesdays)

Time: 18:00–20:00

Platform: Zoom

Course fee: R2 000; Staff and students R1 000

 Maximum: 20 participants

Booking is via Webtickets: Write a family story that people will want to read - Sally Cranswick (webtickets.co.za)

As I embark on my PhD to write a family story, let’s have some fun together by exploring why we write family stories, who benefits from them, and how we can make them engaging enough for people to want to read.

This five-week course will focus on these main questions, together with examples of wonderfully written family stories. We will look at how to structure the family story that you want to tell, how to create a memorable cast of characters, and we will look at creative ways to use research to fill in the missing gaps.

We will do lots of writing and creative exercises and there will be plenty of opportunity to share your work and to get feedback from me throughout the workshop series. As always, our aim is to come together as a creative community and have fun whilst working towards our highest writing goals.


Week 1            Why write your family story and what is it really about?

Week 2            Create a memorable cast of characters

Week 3            Find the best structure for your story

Week 4            Fun research topics that will help to authenticate the ‘truth gaps’

Week 5            How to keep yourself motivated and what to do with your finished story

Recommended reading

Durrell, Gerald. My Family and Other Animals

Fuller, Alexandra. Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight

Sedaris, David. Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim