GenAI: the good, the bad and the ugly

Professor Dan Remenyi
Date: Wednesday 17 April
Time: 18:00 (SAST)
Online platform: MS Teams
Fee: R100 Full fee; Staff and students R50; FOSS members R90
Booking is through Webtickets:
The concern around the world about the safety of AI is palpable. Some gurus have argued that AI will destroy the human race while others have, less dramatically, argued that it will disrupt major aspects of society. The concern was sufficient to cause the UK Government to call the world's first major summit on Artificial Intelligence safety. Hosted by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the famous WWII code breaking site of Bletchley Park, it brought together many of the world’s leaders concerned about the future of AI. According to Google’s GenAI called Bard AI, the summit ‘made a number of significant achievements [sic] towards ensuring the safe and responsible development and use of AI’.
This webinar reviews global thinking on a variety of user-related issues including the safety of GenAI (or AI-Chatbots as they used to be referred to). The good aspects of the technology refer to how it will benefit society; the bad aspects relate to the mistakes which the technology commonly makes; and the ugly refers to the use of the technology in the hands of malfeasants.
It is now clear that the main imperative is to understand the technology and by so doing avoid the risks it presents.